Pre and Post Pregnancy Chiropractic Care


Pregnancy Adjustment on Sumphysis pubis

Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) or pelvic pain or pubic symphysis dysfunction is pain around the pelvic girdle, caused by pregnancy. The chiropractic adjustment technique is non invasive, safe technique, that focuses on movement around the hip and pelvic joint, releasing tension of the ligaments and muscles that may be referring pain to the thigh, groin and pelvic area. The best relief adjustment for women who feel pain when walking, unable to stand on one leg, have radiating pain down one leg into the thigh and perineum, pain when turning over in bed, and sharp pains in weight bearing. It is specific and relieves tension in the adductors and hip joint.

Call us to book an appointment to have a free check if you are during your pre or post-pregnancy with similar symptoms.

You can also tape the belly and wear a Garmet to relieve the symphysis pubis dysfunction during pregnancy, but the adjustment is by far the most effective pain and symptom relief.